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Mama Knew

With mother's Day fast approaching this Sunday, it's a good time to pause and appreciate the very first person to give you that all important first tutorial in the game of life: your mother. Perhaps there are more words of wisdom from your nurturing life giver that can guide or comfort you on your journey. Nurtured Nerds Epic Quest Committee member, event leader and professional cuddler Grace shares with us an important discovery of her own mother's wisdom and how that truth resonates with her and the human condition.

Hello, friends and fans of cuddling,

As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I had some water damage to my home. I basically had to move out. One benefit is that I did go through some belongings and do a bit of purging. I found a Box of Miscellaneous Stuff in the closet. (Don't we all have at least one of those?)

In that box, I found a small stack of letters from my mom. One was a card still in the envelope (postmarked 1999), and on the outside was written,

Do NOT Open Wait until you are having a BAD Day

The card inside has a drawing of Eeyore (in the classic style of E. H. Shepherd), and it reads,

The last thing you need right now is someone trying to cheer you up-- So I'm just here to help you wallow in misery. Don't thank me. That's what friends are for.

She wrote a short note, and signed it "Mama". Of course, I had been having a series of bad days when I found this note, so it was perfect timing. What really moved me was this: She knew. My mother knew that sometimes, it doesn't help to have someone try to cheer you up or show you the silver linings. Sometimes we just have to wallow, to be in the difficulty, in order to get through it. Once we are through, we can shift our perspectives, we can find the silver linings on our own, if they are to be found. She also knew that sometimes it can be hard to be in our misery alone. Being present with our emotions can be SO hard, especially when it is a bad day. Emotions can be scary, big, looming, unkind, overwhelming. Sometimes, having someone to hold us, to hold space, to be present with us is all we need. This is the work I do with my clients. I am present with them in their emotions, until they are ready to move through them. Then we can look at ways to shift. It is an honor, a privilege and a calling to do this work. And Mama knew. Sending gentle hugs, Grace

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